Chris and I went to a Chris Tomlin/Matt Redman concert last night. It was amazing, I really needed it. Louie Giglio spoke and the things he said blew my mind! I thought I'd pass along the info so you can feel as small as I did.
We live on an amazingly perfect planet called earth. 93,000 miles away is the sun.
If you took a sharpie and made a dot on the sun, that dot would represent the size of the earth in comparison to the sun. It would take 109 earths to make up the diameter of the sun. So, you think our sun is big? Well hold your horses, check out Betelgeuse ( some pronounce it beetlejuice). If Betelgeuse was placed at the center of our solar system, it's outer surface would extend between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. Betelgeuse is the second brightest star in the Orion constellation and is about 427 light years away. In case you're wondering, 1 light year = 5,879,000,000,000 miles!
It would take 650 suns to make up the diameter of Betelgeuse. Now that's pretty big, but still not big enough.
Next is VV Cephei, it is located in the Cepheus solar system which is about 3000 light years away. It would take between 1600-1900 suns to make up the diameter of this star, but it still isn't the biggest.
The largest known star is called Canis Majoris (the big dog) and it would take between 1800-2100 suns to make up the diameter of this star. Remember that 109 earths make up the diameter of 1 sun. Are you feeling small yet?
That little dot on the left next to Canis Majoris says the sun, you can't even see the sun itself!
Alright, you want one more mind blower? I saved the best for last.
Here is the whirlpool galaxy. Beautiful huh?
The whirlpool galaxy is 23 megalight years, or 23 million light years away from us. That's 5,879,000,000,000 miles multiplied by 23 million! Can you wrap your brain around that? I sure can't! The very first verses in the bible say that " In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." By the breath of God the heavens ( the stars and planets) were made. Hearing Louie Giglio speak just reminded me of how BIG God is and how small we are. He created a small blue planet that was perfect for us to live on and put it in just the right spot so that life could floursh. I am reminded that despite our smallness, God loves us so much. He loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die in our place that we might have eternal life with Him.
Oh, the coolest part of the whirlpool galaxy is yet to come. In the center of the whirlpool is a black hole. The hubble telescope looked through that hole and took a picture....
23 mega light years away, God reminds us of His love. Amazing!